
Saturday 1 March 2014

Be happy!

Girls get ready cause stuffs about to get emotional.
I saw this picture on Instagram the other day! I thought that is so true, so many girls (and boys) feel so much pressure in today's society to be beautiful but if we really stop and took a good look at things we can ask ourselves the question, 
What is it to be beautiful? 
Who created the idea of something being beautiful? 
And who decides what is beautiful and what is not? 

This is what I got when I looked up the definition of beautiful: 
  1. 1.
    pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.
    "beautiful poetry"
    synonyms:attractiveprettyhandsome,good-looking, nice-looking,pleasingalluring,prepossessing, as pretty as a picture; More

  1. To me the Idea of beauty in today's society is silly, who says you have to be skinny or have clear skin? You have to look in the mirror at yourself and think am I beautiful? because infact beauty is just a matter of opinion because no two people see something through the same eyes! You could be beautiful to one person and 'ugly' to the next and while it's nice to be skinny and have clear skin if that's not you then what should it matter as long as YOU are happy! 

    And remember 'what sue says about about Sally says more about sue than Sally' 
    It's true, if I was to call someone fat (I never would) that says more about me because, well honestly we all like to see other people sad so that we forget about our own misery.

    But anyway my point is don't let what people say about you get you down, because all in all they're just one person sure you're going to come across some people who all share the same opinions but that's more of a reflection of them than  you!  
    So put down your mascara and your hair dye, wash off the fake tan and be you because I can assure you, there is somebody who thinks you're beautiful whether it takes years to find them or you've already got somebody like that it will happen eventually, also remember a smile is the best makeup anyone can wear! 
    Here's a lovely mug of me laughing to brighten up your mood! Maybe you should laugh more often too! 
    By for now my loves! Xxx

    • Her