
Tuesday 4 February 2014

My mac pallet

Hello lovelies, 
I realise all my 'new year' blog posts aren't up yet but I promise I'm 3/4 of the way there so hopefully they'll be finished by mid February! 

So today I thought I'd show you my mac pallet as it's my only favourite of January that isn't included in my 'best of 2013' post so I thought I'd just spend ages rambling on about my pallet! 

It's not complete yet I have four more eye shadows to get but the 11 that I have are good enough that if I had anymore to chose from I think the inner makeup lover in me would implode! 

So let's get started: 

(Sorry the lighting isn't good but I took these with flash because it was night time and the lighting was terrible in my bathroom!)

Top row right-left;
Omeaga,patina, malt, cork, beauty marked 
Middle row right- left; 
Concreat, burn, all that glitters, espresso, coppering
Last row: 

Wrist to elbow; 
Omega, patina, malt, cork, beauty marked, Concreate, brun, all that glitters, espresso, coppering and nylon. 

My favourites are; malt, patina and all that glitters! 
I use omega and cork to fill in my eyebrows every day! 
On New Year's Eve I wore; malt, all that glitters, coppering and beauty marked.

Omega:  A light ash brown matte colour. 

Patina: A muted frosted goldy browny grey colour perfect for all over or crease. 

Malt: A matte grey pinkish nude great for sweeping all over the lid to enhance eye colour: brow/hazel/green. 

Cork: A matte warm toned brow brilliant to warm up the crease or fill in ends of the eyebrows. 

Beauty marked: A black with a small amount of purple glitter in it, creates a lovely smokey eye! 

Concreate: A really dark browny grey with a minimal amount of shimmer in it.

Brun: A beautiful brown shade perfect for the crease to add definition. 

All that glitters: A lovely champagney pink shimmer that can brighten up any eye with the sweep of a brush!!

Espresso: Don't worry it's not as dark as an espresso really is but it's just as rich, lovely brown to define the crease with a little bit of shimmer! 

Coppering: My oh my, how deligfully outrageous this colour is. A burned pinky copper with lots of shimmer lovely for the outer 'v' of the eye to create a different kind of eye look! 

Nylon: Last but not least!! This is the most beautiful highlight I've ever seen of all the highlights ever! Please get this it's amazing and I'm not being paid to say that! Oh how I wish I was! 

Ooh look at me with my fancy shmancy descriptions! Eye shadow company's need to employ me straight away;) 
So that is my mac pallet done, to me this seems quite a long blog post so if you're still here, first of all: well done you get a million sunshiny kelsie golden stickers and second of all i will try to upload regularly I promise 

Cheers loves 
Kels xxx 

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