
Saturday 1 March 2014

Be happy!

Girls get ready cause stuffs about to get emotional.
I saw this picture on Instagram the other day! I thought that is so true, so many girls (and boys) feel so much pressure in today's society to be beautiful but if we really stop and took a good look at things we can ask ourselves the question, 
What is it to be beautiful? 
Who created the idea of something being beautiful? 
And who decides what is beautiful and what is not? 

This is what I got when I looked up the definition of beautiful: 
  1. 1.
    pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.
    "beautiful poetry"
    synonyms:attractiveprettyhandsome,good-looking, nice-looking,pleasingalluring,prepossessing, as pretty as a picture; More

  1. To me the Idea of beauty in today's society is silly, who says you have to be skinny or have clear skin? You have to look in the mirror at yourself and think am I beautiful? because infact beauty is just a matter of opinion because no two people see something through the same eyes! You could be beautiful to one person and 'ugly' to the next and while it's nice to be skinny and have clear skin if that's not you then what should it matter as long as YOU are happy! 

    And remember 'what sue says about about Sally says more about sue than Sally' 
    It's true, if I was to call someone fat (I never would) that says more about me because, well honestly we all like to see other people sad so that we forget about our own misery.

    But anyway my point is don't let what people say about you get you down, because all in all they're just one person sure you're going to come across some people who all share the same opinions but that's more of a reflection of them than  you!  
    So put down your mascara and your hair dye, wash off the fake tan and be you because I can assure you, there is somebody who thinks you're beautiful whether it takes years to find them or you've already got somebody like that it will happen eventually, also remember a smile is the best makeup anyone can wear! 
    Here's a lovely mug of me laughing to brighten up your mood! Maybe you should laugh more often too! 
    By for now my loves! Xxx

    • Her

Tuesday 4 February 2014

My mac pallet

Hello lovelies, 
I realise all my 'new year' blog posts aren't up yet but I promise I'm 3/4 of the way there so hopefully they'll be finished by mid February! 

So today I thought I'd show you my mac pallet as it's my only favourite of January that isn't included in my 'best of 2013' post so I thought I'd just spend ages rambling on about my pallet! 

It's not complete yet I have four more eye shadows to get but the 11 that I have are good enough that if I had anymore to chose from I think the inner makeup lover in me would implode! 

So let's get started: 

(Sorry the lighting isn't good but I took these with flash because it was night time and the lighting was terrible in my bathroom!)

Top row right-left;
Omeaga,patina, malt, cork, beauty marked 
Middle row right- left; 
Concreat, burn, all that glitters, espresso, coppering
Last row: 

Wrist to elbow; 
Omega, patina, malt, cork, beauty marked, Concreate, brun, all that glitters, espresso, coppering and nylon. 

My favourites are; malt, patina and all that glitters! 
I use omega and cork to fill in my eyebrows every day! 
On New Year's Eve I wore; malt, all that glitters, coppering and beauty marked.

Omega:  A light ash brown matte colour. 

Patina: A muted frosted goldy browny grey colour perfect for all over or crease. 

Malt: A matte grey pinkish nude great for sweeping all over the lid to enhance eye colour: brow/hazel/green. 

Cork: A matte warm toned brow brilliant to warm up the crease or fill in ends of the eyebrows. 

Beauty marked: A black with a small amount of purple glitter in it, creates a lovely smokey eye! 

Concreate: A really dark browny grey with a minimal amount of shimmer in it.

Brun: A beautiful brown shade perfect for the crease to add definition. 

All that glitters: A lovely champagney pink shimmer that can brighten up any eye with the sweep of a brush!!

Espresso: Don't worry it's not as dark as an espresso really is but it's just as rich, lovely brown to define the crease with a little bit of shimmer! 

Coppering: My oh my, how deligfully outrageous this colour is. A burned pinky copper with lots of shimmer lovely for the outer 'v' of the eye to create a different kind of eye look! 

Nylon: Last but not least!! This is the most beautiful highlight I've ever seen of all the highlights ever! Please get this it's amazing and I'm not being paid to say that! Oh how I wish I was! 

Ooh look at me with my fancy shmancy descriptions! Eye shadow company's need to employ me straight away;) 
So that is my mac pallet done, to me this seems quite a long blog post so if you're still here, first of all: well done you get a million sunshiny kelsie golden stickers and second of all i will try to upload regularly I promise 

Cheers loves 
Kels xxx 

Saturday 25 January 2014

!!Best of 2013!!

Hello my lovelies,
you can all take a massive sigh of relief because its finally here... BEST OF 2013!!
woohoo, I finally fixed my laptop enough to start writing this blog post, yaay!
lets get on with it!

My first favourite is 'Rimmel London match perfection foundation' in '200 soft beige' or '230 warm ivory' depending on how my skin looks that day, 
I love this foundation, it's a medium coverage and it leaves the skin looking radiantly flawless. 
I really think Rimmel do the best foundations and it is obvious why when you apply them. They glide on easily and don't slip off during the day! 

My next favourite is my 'stay matte' powder also by 'Rimmel London' I promise I'm not sponsored by them I just genuinely love their products! This powder is beautiful on and doesn't make you look absolutely caked in make up. It really does mattify the face and you can reapply as many times as you need. 

Another power I've been loving in 2013  is the 'kick ass retouch powder' by 'soap and glory' whilst I don't love it as much as my 'stay matte' I still chop and change between the two. I believe this looks slightly cakeier on however I still like it and it definitely keeps your makeup in place most of the day. 

As for concealers, I've been loving 'collections lasting perfection concealer' this is truely the best concealer I've ever used at such an inexpensive price! It's blendable and lovely I have it in the lightest shade for underneath my eyes but I also buy a darker one to cover redness and blemishes! The only fault I've found is the packaging it rubs away easily but the product itself is amazing. 

Another concealer I loved last year is my 'benefit erase paste' this is really great for covering those under eye circles however sometimes there is a little bit of an issue with creasing!  More about it here!

Now moving more onto skincare I have to say I've absolutely LOVED my 'garnier skin naturals pure active intensive spot purifying toner' this has cleared my face up a treat! More about it here

Another skincare favourite of mine has been my 'Estée lauder daywear moisturiser' woah there... You'll be utterly stunned by this... It's like a little hug for you face.
 It had lots of good anti-oxidents in it, I'm not quite sure which ones but I'm pretty sure cucumber and aloe vera are in there somewhere because thats what it smells like but don't quote me on that one... (clearly this girl knows her stuff ;)... ) 
This makes the face appear less puffy and is totally moisturising and you just need one in your life. 

For bronzers last year I'm going to go for 'Lancome's Mineral smoothing bronzing powder true lively glow- exquisite wear spf 10' I don't use bronzer often but when I do it's this one and only this one,  it gives a really natural glow and doesn't look muddy at all - I LOVE IT!! (icona pop style)... 

For Blushes this year I'm going to say 'benefits rockatuer' love this its such a beautiful blush, i go into more detail about it here!

For lipstick last year I've was and still am  loving 'mac' in general but my most worn colour is 'morange' I wore this colour everyday of the summer I love it this is an amplified finish so it's very creamy and pigmented it also stays on forever, literally ages! More here!

Another lipstick I've been loving in the year of 2013 is 'Estée Lauders pure colour creme lipstick' in ' crystal coral' this is like a really sheer lipstick almost like a tinted lip balm I've been wearing it too school its really natural and lovely on!! 

For mascaras last year I loved 4 different ones that are all very similar; 
Essence get big lash: this is brilliant for thickening eyelashes unfortunately it isn't available where I live. I got this in Ireland but you can also get it in the US and it's so cheap! Brilliant value for money!!! 

Estēe Lauder: This is amazing it gives length and thickness however quite pricey but if you can get over that it's totally worth it! 

Elizabeth Arden ceramide lash extending mascara: this is great for lengthening however the thickness isn't really there and again quite pricey but worth it! 

 Lancôme hypnose star: woah buddy! Hold your horses, this stuff is beautiful! Length, thickness and winged out look! It's bloody brilliant!!

Avon super shock: this is good for length but again thickness isn't quite there very similar to the Elizabeth Arden one however not as long lasting and a lot cheaper! 

As for makeup brushes I love / loved anything real techniques! Do I even need to say why? Soft beautiful and easy to use! 

For eye shadow I pretty much all year wore my naked 1 pallet until the end of the year when I used my mac pallet which I wrote about in my previous blog post! I love the naked 1, colours are beautiful! If you'd like a more thorough review like I did for my mac pallet let me know. 

I don't wear much nail varnish but last year I fell in love with the L.A colours nail varnish, I don't have a favourite but the one in the picture is sea siren! 

Finally!!!!!! I finished! It's done! I hope this is everything you hoped for, I know the wait was long but I've just been so busy! 
Bye loves 
Kels xxx 

Saturday 4 January 2014

Why do you wear makeup? tag

I have a 'goodbye 2013 hello 2014' blog post coming and a 'best products 2013' also '2013 iPhone camera life' however those are taking slightly longer to prepare and write so today I'm doing the 'why I wear makeup tag'
This was created by sprinkle of glitter and beauty crush Check out their video here.  
 This tag consists of four questions, let's get started.


1) when did you start?  
 I started wearing makeup when I was (this is going to sound really bad) but 8, my mum is a very big makeup lover and I would always be diving on and out of her makeup bag for some lipstick or eyeshadow but I started wearing foundation (everyday) when I was about 11 because we weren't aloud it in primary school so I just wore if on weekends then. I really started getting into make up last year though like learning about finishes and pigments and all that jazz!


2) how do you feel without make up? 
 If you were to ask me this at the start of 2013 I would have said... 
Honestly this is again going to sound bad but I feel almost as if my face is 'dirty' without it or incomplete... 
This is so bad but I hate not wear makeup and it's the rare days rather like today that I won't wear make up and it's cold outside and all I wanna do is sleep that I feel the most depressed?? Not depressed that's the wrong word but most unhappy in myself... On that note better go put me face on! 

But now I feel like this... 
I have gotten so much better with wearing no makeup and I feel as If I could walk out the house with just a little under eye concealer and mascara on however that's still make up so you could say I'm still trying to get over the insecurities that all teenage girls go through!  

 3) what do you like about make up?
 Apart from the fact it makes me look beautiful... I love how therapeutic it is like if I've had a panic attack or I feel ill or if I have a headache which is most days, I'll sit back and let my hands and brain go wild until I create some work of art (I'm not very good at art) and I love it also shopping, shopping is a big weakness for me and swatching happens to be my most faveritest (I'm aware that's not a word) thing to do in the whole world (besides singing) I'll go into boots for about 15 minutes and I would already swatched everything by Rimmel and maybeliene!  

 4) 3 holy grail items 
 This is a hard one but I'm going to go for:      

 1- foundation, at the moment I am loving Rimmel match perfection or if you go for a more higher end version of that I like the mac studio fix fluid foundation! 

(photo from here

2- under eye concealer because is don't sleep a lot so a little bit of erase paste under the eye is just an amazing pick me up! 

(Photo from here)

3- third is obviously my essence big lash mascara which you shall hear more about when my best of 2013 goes up and I promise it will be up by the time next Christmas gets here! 

(Photo from here)

I hop this post gave you a little look into my make up life and I shall see you all soon with some new yearsie things which should have gone up before this blog post but my Iphone has been left at my new years eve party so I need to go and collect it and obviously the best of 2013 is just taking a lot longer to write and I'm going to start my goodbye 2013 and hello 2014 post now! 

Bye for now my lovelies! Xxx