
Wednesday 31 July 2013

My skincare products/ routine/ views

Hi guys,
I'm sorry its taking me so long to write on here but unfortunately my laptop keeps on breaking and everything is wrong with it, hopefully I'll be getting a new mac book pro in april, so thats good but it is a long time away but I'm sure we can stick it out for these next 8 months! 

I'm going to talk about my skincare routine and the  products I use. Now my skin isn't the best and trust me I don't do this every single night maybe once twice a week! Although I do use my cleanser toner and moisturiser every single night, give or take the toner. 

 Liz Earle "cleanse & polish" hot cloth cleanser 

(This isn't my own photo, it's from the official Liz Earle website)

This is always the first product I use in my nightly routine.
It is a plant based cleanser and works in two parts, the first part is to cleanse and the texture of it just removes the make up straight away, maybe if you're wearing a heavy smoky eye you might need to do it twice but otherwise the once should work. It removes the toughest mascara. 
I love this product because it just make my skin feel so soft and clean so obviously it does it's job! 

Garnier pure active purifying toner 


I normally do this after the liz Earle product and I swear by it! I have terribly spotty skin and I've been using this for the past month and my skin has cleared up so much its unreal, you just apply it on a cotton wool pad and voila you're done. As soon as it's on your skin you can really feel it working because it dries out the spot right away! 

nSpa beauty rituals Brightening detox scrub


I don't use this as often as the other two products but I use it at least once a week and I can honestly say 'it does what it says on the tin' after I use this my face feels so soft and when I use it at night, when I wake up the next day my skin just looks so much more radiant. This scrub has lot's of micro beads in it, these help to unclog pores and buff away dead skin cells. 

Tzone blackhead fighting facial scrub

I'm not bothering with a picture for this because I don't think it's worth it, I honestly HATE it. 
I think it's 
1. too rough on the skin
2. hard to apply 
3.hard to remove 
I also have not seen any improvement at all in my skin since using it! I love T zone products and am very disappointed at the poor quality of this product. I think that it isn't worth the money for such a poor basic product. 

Origins "drink up" thirst quenching mask 

I cannot stress how much I LOVE this product! I use it twice a week and my skin just looks and feels amazing afterwards, I cannot say any more than how brilliant this product is. 

T zone spot zapping stick


This product is always in my makeup bag, just incase I'm out and I feel a spot brewing or I suddenly just breakout all over the place, I think its a very good product and it really helps. It''s almost like the spot purifying toner in the way that you can feel it working straight away!

Benefit triple preforming moisturiser 


Again love this product, I've been through two bottles of this and they last a long time. Although they do take a while to sink into your skin, afterwards it's so worthing because it just honestly makes your skin feel lovely! A bit on the pricey side but again totally worth it.

Thats it guys, I'm going to try and write as much a possible for you but I can't make any promises, unfortunately I've lost the lead from my camera to my laptop so all of the photos were not mine the black writing in brackets should tell you the website I got them off! 
I hope you enjoyed my first beauty blog! 
Thanks guys 

kelsie xx 


  1. Love this post as I'm always on the lookout for new skincare products! Thank you for sharing!
    Jess x

    1. It's okay, I'll try and pot as many beauty blogs on here so make sure to follow so I can always recommend you new products
      kelsie x
