
Tuesday 12 November 2013

Liebster awards!

Hi lovelies!! 
So apparently I've been nominated for the Liebster Award by Jess  Now until I read her blog post today I honestly had now idea what the hell this even meant so now that I understand I can answer the questions! 
this is her blog post to explain the rules!! 

1) What is your favourite film?

The note book is my all time favourite, 
however I'm not sure if I like it because of the plot or because of Ryan Gosling, 
of corse I LOVE this film who wouldn't it's a complete mixture of perfect and sad, 
dare I say a modern day Romeo and Juliet? 

2) What was the last thing you brought?

The last thing I brought was a new Christmas Cookie Yankee Candle,
 only the BEST candle I've ever smelt in the history of mankind! 

3) Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I wanted a space 
where I could talk about what 
I wanted to talk about! 

4) What is your favourite shop?
Well my favourite affordable shop is definitely either Primark or Newlook 
however the shop that I would shop in if I could afford it is MAC,
 if I had the budget I'd live in MAC unfortunately though I don't, 
plus there is no MAC shop where I live so thats a bit of a bummer. 

5) If you could have anything you wanted right now what would it be? (has to be an item)

A clothing Item I'd really like is a soft, colourful, 
good quality christmas jumper, 
though I've not looked at where from yet I just know I want a christmas jumper!

6) If you were invisible for a day what would you do?
If I were invisible I'd probably would look in on somebody's life who I know doesn't have it easy because I think it would make me appreciate what I have more and it would be interesting to see different walks of life, I'd also listen in to what my friends say about me when I'm not them, or I'd raid all of the best makeup shops and nobody would be able to see me take all of my favourite things. MWHAHAHA!! 

7) What is your favourite book?
The faults in our stars, I literally laugh and cried so much at this book. I could read this book a million times over! 

8) What is your best beauty tip?
My best beauty tip is if you have redness anywhere then choose a more yellow foundation/concealer to cancel out that red! 

9) What is the song you can't stop listening to at the moment?
Story of my life- one direction. 
Do I even have to say why I love this song?

10) What is your most loved item of clothing?

Well it's not one Item of clothing but it is a type of Item of clothing, Jumpers. I live in them, even in the summer!! 

11) What is your dream job?

My dream job is to become a singer, I wouldn't really call it a job I'd more call it a passion, but if your making money I guess its a job! I love to sing and I've been singing since I was a little smally person! So if anything I'd be a singer, but I also would love to be a make up artist because I love doing makeup I find it totally relaxing and the end product is always fun. 
I have youtube account if you want to hear me sing. 

My questions:

1) Favourite beauty product?
2) one thing you wouldn't buy again?
3) favourite youtuber?
4) what made you start your blog?
5) Favourite season? 
6) Favourite Band?
7) A fear you'd like to overcome
8) What does the word family mean to you?
9) favourite Actor/Actress
10) Favourite drink? 
11) If you had one wish what would it be? 

I nominate:

I'm new and I don't really know many small blogs so I'm really sorry that there is only two nominated! 

Byee!! xx 

The Autumn/winter Tag!

Hi Lovelies!!! 
So we're just coming out of Autumn now and into the more wintery months so I'm going to do the Autumn tag but I'm changing it into Autumn winter, don't get me wrong somebody may have already done this but I've not heard about it, then again I do live under a rock. 

 1. Favourite thing about Autumn/Winter? 

Obviously it's the weather, most people say that they hate the cold miserable weather, for me it's a signal that either christmas is coming or that christmas has been, and can I just say Merry Christmas because I don't care what you say it is almost christmas!!! I love the weather because it's just so cosy and and you can chill out by the fire and it's just the best time of year. 

2. Favourite drink? 

I love sitting by the fire with a nice cup of tea however normal tea isn't as good for you as a camomile tea, to me they all taste the same but the one we buy in our house is Twinings Calming Camomile tea
Nice, healthy, tasty. 

3. Favourite scent/candle?  

My favourite candle scent has to be the Christmas cookie scent by Yankee Candle. This smell like christmas too me, hence the title, its just so sweet and lovely and oooh how I could just smell this all day. I have it burning now as I'm writing, my house smells like a bakery. 

4. Best lipstick? 

I'm going to say that it is impossible to choose just one and whoever made this tag is a horrible person for limiting it to just one however after hours of consideration I managed to limit myself to two, 
1. Rimmel Kate Moss- 107 (more about it here.
2. Avon lipstick - Red Kiss 
As you can probably tell I love any kind of red colours. 

5. Go to moisturiser? 

This will probably have to be my benefit face emulsion, more about it here. 
This has been part of my routine for a few years now and I've not had the heart to change it! 

6. Go to colours for the eyes? 

Purple, definitely purple. It makes my eyes pop and I love it, more about my favourite pallets to come! 

7. Favourite music or band/singer to listen to? 

My favourite Bands/groups who have always been and will always continue to be my favourite are One direction and Little Mix. My favourite solo artists are Becky CJ Her youtube channel , Bruno Mars, Beyoncé, Emeil Sandé and Ed Sheeran. 

9. Autumn/winter treat? 

My autumn treat is normally a lipstick or a candle or a christmas film. Theres nothing more than that to say about this question! 

10. Favourite place to be? 

My favourite place to be is sat infront of the fire with a blanket and a christmas film, in fact I'm off school ill right now doing that exact thing! 

Woohoo!! Two blog posts within three days of each other!! thats got to be a record for me right? 
I hope you liked it my lovelies, 
see you soon

Sunday 10 November 2013

October Favourites

Hi lovelies, 
As promised I'm here with my... 
In the month of october I loved quite a bit, not a huge amount but a fair bit! 

With a little sneaky Peaky at my favourite pallets! 

I'm starting with my one and only hair product which is the 
"Lusters PCJ pretty-n-silky Detangling Spray"
This stuff is amazing, especially if you have hair like mine(super thick,long and tangles again as soon as you brush it) this acts as a leave in conditioner it claims to release tangles and stops breakages, this is great if you have ombré hair because ombré hair gets dry and brittle at the ends and likes to break off, I've noticed a vast improvement in my hair since I've started using this it feels really soft a luscious! 

The next part of my favourites is skin care. 
The first product is the "GARNIER Pure Active intensive spot purifying toner" This has been a favourite of mine since the start of the summer I love it so much it just completely clears up your spots! 
More about it here.  

The next thing is the "Elizabeth Arden Eight hour cream" I really only use this only my lips because it's so nourishing and moisturising  it is the best lip balm I've ever used  I love it so much! I apply it every night and just any time my lips feel dry!

My last skincare favourite is the "No7 beautiful skin cleansing water normal/oily" 
This is so good, It immediately makes your skin feel totally revitalised and fresh. Apply to a cotton pad or fingers wipe all over your face and BAM you're done! Simple and easy and so good for the skin. I feel like my skin feels so much better after using it and it is fairly cheep so if I were you I'd go grab a bottle! 

Next is body care: 

My first body care favourite is "Soap and Glory  sugar crush body wash in the scent sweet lime"
It just wakes me up as soon as I smell it, it is a very citrusy scent obviously it smells like limes and I could just smell this all day! It makes your skin so soft and it lasts for ages, but be careful not to get it in your eyes because trust that hurts!! 

The next thing is the "Sanex dermo pro hydrate 24 hour anti-persperant" I'm sure you're all going to be happy to know that I use deodorant this stops sweating and smells fresh one the best deodorants I've ever used! 

Now onto make up. I have a five makeup favourites in total but as I said I will be doing a separate blog post on 3 of them because they are eye shadow pallets so only to for now, but look out for that in within the next couple of months. 

So my first thing is the "Benefit Rockateur blush" this is just beautiful it's a lovely pinky browny colour with like a rose gold shimmer in it. It also looks beautiful on the eyes.  
More about it here

The final thing in my monthly favourites is the "Seventeen On-the-spot foundation in natural" I definitely  have noticed the difference in my skin it looks so much healthier and this foundation is lovely on, It's light not cakey and smooths onto the skin perfectly.
more about it here.

Okay! Thats it for now lovelies, I'll speak to you soon.
Make sure to follow me on Bloglovin' and comment on these posts to let me know what you'd like to see in the future from me!

Monday 4 November 2013

Remember remember... It's November!!!

Hello lovelies Welcome to November! Now, I realise I haven't posted in ages yet again, I've had no wifi for two weeks maybe more I'm not sure.
 This blog post is just to tell you what (hopefully) is to come in November I can't make promises but I'm hoping I get these done!

 October favourites (yes I know, I'm late) Foundation review Primark / stilla haul Current Cleanser review Favourite eye shadow pallets November favourite (if I change stuff up) Just to prepare you for this month and to say I will make up for not having updated in a while Comment telling me what other blogposts you might want to see Hope you had a nice halloweens Bye lovelies xxx